"As Director of Programs for Horses For Heroes, Nancy De Santis is a unique and outstanding mental health practitioner in New Mexico, with both formal training and depth of experience in working with horses as co-facilitators in the promotion of wellness and recovery in veterans with PTSD and its comorbidities. While her formal training as an Equine Gestalt Coach grounds her approach to promoting wellness and recovery, Nancy flexibly utilizes other models and interventions that support wellness and recovery at individual and collective levels, including within veteran families. Over years of practice and refinement, Nancy has developed her own version of a ‘holistic’ approach that blends psychoeducation, practical self-regulatory exercises that are matched to each veteran, with the provision of conditions that allow veterans, regardless of their prior level of skill, to experience the transformative power of direct and flexibly structured interactions with horses. Meeting veterans “where they are at” is fundamental to her approach and the combination of her intelligence, compassion, training and experience has for many years provided care and support to numerous veterans and their families who have ‘fallen through the cracks’ of an overburdened VA healthcare system. It is not an overstatement to say that Nancy has helped save many lives."
~Dr. Gerald Valentine
Meet Nancy:
Nancy De Santis is the Programs Director at Horses For Heroes – New Mexico, Inc. She is the Lead CCHI Certified Horsemanship Riding Instructor, a Certified Equine Gestalt Coach and Certified Trauma Professional. Nancy's area of expertise and passion lies in Resilience and the multidimensional aspects of trauma by empowering individuals along their healing journey.
Nancy is currently offering Wisdom Way Resilience coaching and EGCM Sessions at no cost to veterans and active military, as her way of giving back to those who so selflessly have served.
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A Thank you letter:
From a heart full of gratitude to Nancy and Rick.
I attended a workshop presented by Nancy. Prior to the workshop and at the end, I had time with Rick.
I went to the workshop in a state of emptiness, despair, and feeling raw inside. I had spent 3 months in physical pain and a deep depression. I could not shake where I was nor could I put words to what was happening inside of me.
Nancy shared a wealth of information regarding what veterans experience both in war and coming home. She shared how veterans’ responses to life are different than the non-veteran because of living in war with life changing experiences moment by moment; the depth of comradeship; the struggles of re-entry to society; and moving through the darkness to self-acceptance, self-care, and self-love.
Nancy put words to what was happening inside of me. I no longer felt disconnected from myself and others. I learned my whole body had been traumatized. I had a real conflict of my beliefs and values. What I need is self-compassion to be whole.
My journey of coming home was being dishonored and disrespected. With Nancy and Rick, I felt Welcomed Home and understood. I was embraced with love.
When Nancy talked about the invisible wounds, the soul injury and moral injury, I had a real awakening. She said “war is an assault on the soul”. The intrusive thoughts and the depth of darkness over me the past 3 months was about my soul. My soul was wounded and needs healing.
In the presence of Nancy, I learned and touched a deeper part of myself and came to an awareness of what was missing. Nancy is always learning so she can give of her wisdom to the wounded hearts and souls of veterans. It is healing to know myself in the present moment and to know my experiences in Vietnam are part of every moment of every day and a part of who I am but they no longer control my daily life. I am resilient and after being with Nancy and Rick, I can smile again. I will forever be grateful for my time with them.
G. Hager, Great Falls, US Army , Vietnam
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Welcome to Wisdom Way For Warriors
Reward yourself with an experience of self-discovery through the way of the horse.
A way to your Wisdom Within!
Who do you serve?
Wisdom Way For Warriors Coaching is offered to Post 9/11 men and women and active military, as well as veterans from all eras. All work is on the ground with horses.
Please keep in mind, because we work outside and with horses one should be able to withstand walking around the property and in the round pen.
What do I wear / bring?
We are located at approximately 6500 feet in the high desert of Santa Fe County. Mornings tend to be cool and temperatures increase through the day, so dressing in layers is recommended.
Closed shoes - no sandals
Wide brimmed hat
Light long sleeve shirt
Personal water bottle
You can even bring a journal to record your experience
Are you ready for lasting change?
Schedule your in-person or virtual session:
To book your private session, please fill out your Wisdom Way Session Request HERE.
" When you have tried everything and your appointments become the same old thing
call Nancy De Santis. Expect to be catapulted back into your soul. Never give up! Do something different for a different life. Give a horse a chance."
~ D. J. US Air Force
Click the video below to Learn More about EGCM:
In any situation where a life change, trauma or incident has deeply affected you or when you want to clear past influences out of your way to growth, EGCM can benefit you.
What is EGCM® Certified?
Equine Gestalt Coaching is different than any other type of equine coaching you may have heard of or seen. With EGCM the horse is an active partner in the coaching and healing process. Using their combined wisdom and intuition, the EGCM coach and their equine partner will guide you through your experience and journey to greater self-awareness!
All of us carry the answers WITHIN OURSELVES!
We are here to help guide you to
uncover YOUR Wisdom!
How? Working together, the EGCM coach, both two-legged and four-legged, will help you isolate the unfinished business that is causing you pain or blocking your path to success and happiness. Then, through experiential interaction they will assist you in clearing the energy that has been holding you back or keeping you from your best self.
EGCM is an in the moment process — "We meet you where you are; we just don't leave ya there!" ~Coach Nancy
The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® was developed byMelisa Pearce, a core founder since 1989, of the horse-human healing movement and an expert trained psychotherapist. The experiential nature of the EGC method involves the horse as an active partner with the coach in the client's exploratory process. The integrative approach of the equine's interaction combined with positive coaching, somatic awareness, guidance and Gestalt methodology, assist the participant in examining their life and choices made with a focus on designing a positive future. Equine Gestalt Coaching Method (EGCM®) is an in depth two year certification process with a minimum of 40 Continuing Education Units (CEU's ) that must be completed every two years.
Is this "therapy"?
Not at all. Co-active coaching is not about labels or diagnosis; it's about forward motion and health.
EGCM Coaching is partnering with a person in a thought-provoking and creative process that INSPIRES one to maximize THEIR own Personal Potential.
Though therapeutic in nature, coaching is about growth and awareness!
"The truth is, you are already whole, complete and perfect and are capable of making empowering choices.
I am here to support you in your Wisdom Way Journey to uncover YOUR wisdom within!
~ Nancy De Santis Equine Gestalt Coach
Horses provide vast opportunities for growth and learning about our world and the world around us. Working with them creates an environment where we can recognize and acknowledge our actions, how we learn, how we communicate and how we interact with others. Working with our horses brings a deeper understanding and helps to provide a person with tools that can be taken into everyday life!
The gift of a horse:
Wisdom Way For Warriors is not about horseback riding, it's about your relationship with a horse. The beauty of working with our horses is what you discover can be taken home and applied to your everyday life and relationships. Coaching with horses is unmounted, safe, engaging and requires NO previous horse experience.
"Trauma is not what happens to us, but what happens inside us as a result of what happened
to us."
~ Gabor Mate, MD
Let Nancy help equip YOU with the tools and education you need to succeed.
How long is a session?
An EGCM session is individually unique. When planning for your session you can safely plan for the minimum of 1.5 hours with a maximum of 3.
Most people enjoy the setting and not rushing is part of the journey here.
Do you offer Customized Retreats?
Yes, upon request. Please contact us by sending your email inquiry to
Wisdom Way retreats offer another way for our warriors to reconnect with their wisdom within. These retreats can range anywhere from getting to know horses, mindfulness guidance, neuroscience and the "Other Side" of PTSD, as well as resourcing to learn self-regulation skills, and of course Gestalt Coaching with our horses.
"As a therapist, I see the need and potential for groups like this where people are able to get together and
share life experiences and struggles in as safe, non-judgmental environment"
~Wendy D. Clinical Therapist and U.S. Navy Veteran.
Many women find the group setting empowering, nurturing and enlightening! While still others prefer one-on-one personal coaching sessions with Nancy.
What people have to say:
"Nancy De Santis is truly a treasure. The workshop that she and her husband Rick Iannucci led at the 2019, 30th annual US Journal Training Conference in Santa Fe - a continuing education venue for mental health providers- garnered a standing ovation. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house. The panel of three vets that came along to share their experience was deeply moving. To say that they are grateful for the Horses For Heroes program that Nancy and Rick provide free of charge, is an understatement. What we heard from each one of them, echoed in Nancy’s skillful presentation, is that she understands their experience and treats them with honor. Educating her clients about neuroscience, so that their reactions make sense to them, Nancy teaches effective tools for self-regulation. She has synthesized the very best approaches in trauma treatment into a highly effective program. But beyond both mind and body, Nancy is a healer of the soul. Tenderly transforming the hidden wounds of war, Nancy brings new hope to these brave warriors."
~Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
“I’m so proud of myself. I’m having fun and loving life. I’m learning!!!
You helped get me here. I had to do the work, however, you taught me the skills to get where I am today, and I know if I fail, I can stand back up, lift my head and turn it into a lesson. Thank you sooooooo much! You truly have no idea how thankful I am for you and the program you and Rick have built.
~James US Army”
Horses are teachers and carriers of messages...
Working with our horses can help you with:
Anxiety and moving beyond fear
Learning to be present and live in the moment
Attain inner peace and calm
Relationship skills
Improve communication
Develop patience
Build confidence
Develop boundaries
Learn to trust
Increase energy and vitality
Expand awareness
Working through grief & loss and the soul wounds of war
Horses are great coaches; they perceive, interpret and respond
to where we are in the moment.
There is no judgement. All they want is for us to be in
Complete Alignment ~ Mind, Body & Spirit.